Major cutting back

Home Forums For Sale Major cutting back

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  • #1406
    Mike Wilson

    I need to downsize the fish room. Initially livestock and then tanks etc unless someone offers me a surprising deal. I have multiple lines of guppies working, one ( reds) is in good shape, the others are projects needing finetuned which I have neglected. Bushy nose projects fry and adults, all 4 common colors and in both finnages I think. Colonies of wild type livebearers. Cory cats. Plants stem type, val, and anubias nana. sorry but snails and duckweed. Also a few marine fish. prices negotiable but again, it’s early in my process. Come check it out and take some hme

    Mike Wilson

    addendum….. will be selling a rack with 7 10s and 6 20 longs on it, unless the one 20 which is salt sells separate. also a rack I built which holds 3 20H on the bottom and top is a table for food and equipment, I also have the room air pump on it

    Dan Persico

    Hi Mike,
    What types of livebearers, also what type of Cories?

    Ted Mayberry

    I am interested in as many plecos as you can sell. Preferably smaller ones. Please text if possible or email. Thanks.

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